How to add new features to my Hangman game?2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow can I Remove .DS_Store files from a Git repository?Hidden Features of XcodeHow to check for an active Internet connection on iOS or macOS?How to start PostgreSQL server on Mac OS X?How do I install pip on macOS or OS X?How to set or change the default Java (JDK) version on OS X?How to install Java 8 on Macnvm keeps “forgetting” node in new terminal sessionProcessing incoming messages in Applescript via mail rule in Maverickshow to add a play again feature to javascript game

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How to add new features to my Hangman game?

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I am working on a game, Hangman. I have the code down, I just want to display the word if you lose. How can I do that?

hangman's init()--by Londres on Stack Overflow

script hangman
property stdin : missing value
property stdout : missing value
property dict : missing value

on init()
--starting up the game
set stdin to parent's hangmanStdin's alloc()'s init()
set stdout to parent's hangmanStdout's alloc()'s init()
set dict to parent's hangmanDictionary's alloc()'s init()
my mainLoop()
end init

on mainLoop()
repeat --endless
set option to stdin's getOptions("Lobby", "What would you like to do?", "New Game", "Quit")
if option is "New Game" then
set difficulty to stdin's getOptions("New Game", "Choose your difficulty", "Normal", "Easy", "Hard")
--replace this line with an automatic word generator
set x to parent's hangmanGame's alloc()'s initWithWordAndDifficulty(dict's getWord(), difficulty)

if x's startgame() is false then
stdout's printf("You've scored " & x's score & " points.")
end if
--game is over so clear it
set x to missing value
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end mainLoop

on shouldTerminate()
return true
end shouldTerminate

on alloc()
copy me to x
return x
end alloc
end script

script hangmanGame
property parent : hangman

property wordToGuess : missing value
property maxFaults : missing value
property usedChars : missing value
property faults : missing value
property score : 0

on initWithWordAndDifficulty(theWord, theDifficulty)
if theDifficulty = "Hard" then
set my maxFaults to 5
else if theDifficulty = "Normal" then
set my maxFaults to 8
else --easy or any other value will be handled as easy
set my maxFaults to 12
end if
set my wordToGuess to theWord
set my usedChars to
set my faults to 0
set my score to 0
return me
end initWithWordAndDifficulty

on startgame()
repeat --endless
set __prompt to "Faults Left: " & maxFaults - faults & return & "The Word: " & my makeHiddenField()
set c to parent's stdin's getChar(__prompt)
if c = false then
return false
end if
--first check if getChar did give us any result
if length of c is not 0 then
--check if teh character is valid
if c is in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" then
--check if we already checked this before
if c is not in my usedChars then
set end of my usedChars to c
--check if player guessed wrong character
if c is not in wordToGuess then
set faults to faults + 1
end if
end if
end if
end if
--check if player guessed all characters of word
if my wordGuessed() then
set my score to ((25 * (26 / (length of my usedChars))) as integer)
return true
end if
--check if player reached the max faults he's allowed to make
if my faults = my maxFaults then
return 0
end if
end repeat
end startgame

on wordGuessed()
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is not in my usedChars then
return false
end if
end repeat
return true
end wordGuessed

on makeHiddenField()
set characterArray to
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is in my usedChars then
set end of characterArray to aChar as string
set end of characterArray to "_"
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set hiddenField to characterArray as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return hiddenField
end makeHiddenField
end script

script hangmanDictionary
property parent : hangman
property wordsPlayed : missing value
property allWords : missing value

on init()
set wordsPlayed to
--try to get more words from a file for example
set allWords to "Hangman", "Police", "Officer", "Desktop", "Pencil", "Window", "Language", "Wealthy", "Trauma", "Spell", "Rival", "Tactical", "Thin", "Salty", "Bluish", "Falcon", "Distilery", "Ballistics", "Fumbling", "Limitless", "South", "Humble", "Foreign", "Affliction", "Retreat", "Agreeable", "Poisoner", "Flirt", "Fearsome", "Deepwater", "Bottom", "Twisted", "Morsel", "Filament", "Winter", "Contempt", "Drimys", "Grease", "Awesome", "Compulsive", "Crayon", "Prayer", "Blonde", "Backbone", "Dreamland", "Ballet", "Continuous", "Aerobatic", "Hideous", "Harmonic", "Lottery", "Encrypt", "Cable", "Aluminium", "Hunter", "National", "Hunter", "Mechanical", "Deadbeat", "Opposition", "Threat", "Decadent", "Gazelle", "Guild", "Authoritive", "Deliverance", "Severe", "Jerid", "Alarm", "Monochrome", "Cyanide", "External", "Potential", "Section", "Innocent", "Drifting", "Amnesia", "Domino", "Flimsy", "Flamethrowing", "Advocate", "Hirsute", "Brother", "Ephemeral", "Brutal", "Decade", "Drauma", "Dilemma", "Exquisite", "Glimmer", "Fugitive", "Digital", "Associate", "Ambivalent", "Ambulatory", "Apology", "Brawler", "Molecular", "Insurance", "Contractual", "Initial", "Calibration", "Heretical", "Disclosure", "Guerilla", "Dismember", "Minimal", "Altercation", "Eastern", "Integrate", "Femur", "Metallic", "Ambition", "Auxiliary", "Esoteric", "Converse", "Accepting", "Juvenile", "Efficacious", "Complex", "Imperil", "Division", "Onerous", "Astonish", "Scandalous", "Quaint", "Dominate", "Contrary", "Conspiracy", "Earthquake", "Embarrassment", "Exclude", "Ambiguous", "Captivate", "Compliance", "Migration", "Embryo", "Abandon", "Conservation", "Appreciate", "Applaud", "Pension", "Voyage", "Influence", "Consensus", "Incapable", "Economy", "Parameter", "Contrast", "Sensitive", "Meadow", "Chimney", "Familiar", "Serious", "Credibility", "Infrastructure", "Museum", "Relinquish", "Merit", "Coalition", "Retirement", "Transaction", "Official", "Composer", "Magnitude", "Committee", "Privilege", "Diamond", "Obligation", "Transition", "Jockey", "Reinforce", "Conflict", "Offensive", "Detective", "Effective", "Detector"
return me
end init

on getWord()
set randomNr to (random number from 1 to (length of (my allWords))) as integer
--you could do somethinh here when a word is used again
return item randomNr of my allWords as string
end getWord
end script

script hangmanStdin
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on getChar(__prompt)
set x to display dialog __prompt buttons "Go", "Quit" default button "Go" default answer ""
if button returned of x = "Quit" then
return false
end if

if length of x's text returned = 0 then
return ""
end if

return character 1 of x's text returned
end getChar

on getOptions(__title, __message, __options)
return button returned of (display alert __title message __message buttons __options default button 1)
end getOptions
end script

script hangmanStdout
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on printf(__message)
display dialog __message buttons "OK" default button 1
end printf
end script

How can I make it so if you lose the game, not only does it say the you got 0 points but also say the word that they missed. I'm trying my best to get this done. It's a project that I'm doing to get the basics of coding. Took me awhile.

share|improve this question

  • What problem are you having with the first feature you want to implement?

    – halfer
    Mar 6 at 20:20

  • Looks like you need to check the results of startgame() for more than true/false. That is some strange looking AppleScript you have there (those alloc()'s are totally unnecessary, for example) - what language are you converting this from?

    – red_menace
    Mar 6 at 23:18

  • @halfer This was made AWHILE AGO and i cant seem to find a place to put the code i want to display the word that was missed.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:32

  • @halfer I have major respect for your accomplishments (I read your bio) I greatly appreciate the help. I just dabble in applescript and this was made a long time ago and i would just like to find a place in the script to put the code that I want, so it displays the word that was missed. If you can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:35


I am working on a game, Hangman. I have the code down, I just want to display the word if you lose. How can I do that?

hangman's init()--by Londres on Stack Overflow

script hangman
property stdin : missing value
property stdout : missing value
property dict : missing value

on init()
--starting up the game
set stdin to parent's hangmanStdin's alloc()'s init()
set stdout to parent's hangmanStdout's alloc()'s init()
set dict to parent's hangmanDictionary's alloc()'s init()
my mainLoop()
end init

on mainLoop()
repeat --endless
set option to stdin's getOptions("Lobby", "What would you like to do?", "New Game", "Quit")
if option is "New Game" then
set difficulty to stdin's getOptions("New Game", "Choose your difficulty", "Normal", "Easy", "Hard")
--replace this line with an automatic word generator
set x to parent's hangmanGame's alloc()'s initWithWordAndDifficulty(dict's getWord(), difficulty)

if x's startgame() is false then
stdout's printf("You've scored " & x's score & " points.")
end if
--game is over so clear it
set x to missing value
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end mainLoop

on shouldTerminate()
return true
end shouldTerminate

on alloc()
copy me to x
return x
end alloc
end script

script hangmanGame
property parent : hangman

property wordToGuess : missing value
property maxFaults : missing value
property usedChars : missing value
property faults : missing value
property score : 0

on initWithWordAndDifficulty(theWord, theDifficulty)
if theDifficulty = "Hard" then
set my maxFaults to 5
else if theDifficulty = "Normal" then
set my maxFaults to 8
else --easy or any other value will be handled as easy
set my maxFaults to 12
end if
set my wordToGuess to theWord
set my usedChars to
set my faults to 0
set my score to 0
return me
end initWithWordAndDifficulty

on startgame()
repeat --endless
set __prompt to "Faults Left: " & maxFaults - faults & return & "The Word: " & my makeHiddenField()
set c to parent's stdin's getChar(__prompt)
if c = false then
return false
end if
--first check if getChar did give us any result
if length of c is not 0 then
--check if teh character is valid
if c is in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" then
--check if we already checked this before
if c is not in my usedChars then
set end of my usedChars to c
--check if player guessed wrong character
if c is not in wordToGuess then
set faults to faults + 1
end if
end if
end if
end if
--check if player guessed all characters of word
if my wordGuessed() then
set my score to ((25 * (26 / (length of my usedChars))) as integer)
return true
end if
--check if player reached the max faults he's allowed to make
if my faults = my maxFaults then
return 0
end if
end repeat
end startgame

on wordGuessed()
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is not in my usedChars then
return false
end if
end repeat
return true
end wordGuessed

on makeHiddenField()
set characterArray to
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is in my usedChars then
set end of characterArray to aChar as string
set end of characterArray to "_"
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set hiddenField to characterArray as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return hiddenField
end makeHiddenField
end script

script hangmanDictionary
property parent : hangman
property wordsPlayed : missing value
property allWords : missing value

on init()
set wordsPlayed to
--try to get more words from a file for example
set allWords to "Hangman", "Police", "Officer", "Desktop", "Pencil", "Window", "Language", "Wealthy", "Trauma", "Spell", "Rival", "Tactical", "Thin", "Salty", "Bluish", "Falcon", "Distilery", "Ballistics", "Fumbling", "Limitless", "South", "Humble", "Foreign", "Affliction", "Retreat", "Agreeable", "Poisoner", "Flirt", "Fearsome", "Deepwater", "Bottom", "Twisted", "Morsel", "Filament", "Winter", "Contempt", "Drimys", "Grease", "Awesome", "Compulsive", "Crayon", "Prayer", "Blonde", "Backbone", "Dreamland", "Ballet", "Continuous", "Aerobatic", "Hideous", "Harmonic", "Lottery", "Encrypt", "Cable", "Aluminium", "Hunter", "National", "Hunter", "Mechanical", "Deadbeat", "Opposition", "Threat", "Decadent", "Gazelle", "Guild", "Authoritive", "Deliverance", "Severe", "Jerid", "Alarm", "Monochrome", "Cyanide", "External", "Potential", "Section", "Innocent", "Drifting", "Amnesia", "Domino", "Flimsy", "Flamethrowing", "Advocate", "Hirsute", "Brother", "Ephemeral", "Brutal", "Decade", "Drauma", "Dilemma", "Exquisite", "Glimmer", "Fugitive", "Digital", "Associate", "Ambivalent", "Ambulatory", "Apology", "Brawler", "Molecular", "Insurance", "Contractual", "Initial", "Calibration", "Heretical", "Disclosure", "Guerilla", "Dismember", "Minimal", "Altercation", "Eastern", "Integrate", "Femur", "Metallic", "Ambition", "Auxiliary", "Esoteric", "Converse", "Accepting", "Juvenile", "Efficacious", "Complex", "Imperil", "Division", "Onerous", "Astonish", "Scandalous", "Quaint", "Dominate", "Contrary", "Conspiracy", "Earthquake", "Embarrassment", "Exclude", "Ambiguous", "Captivate", "Compliance", "Migration", "Embryo", "Abandon", "Conservation", "Appreciate", "Applaud", "Pension", "Voyage", "Influence", "Consensus", "Incapable", "Economy", "Parameter", "Contrast", "Sensitive", "Meadow", "Chimney", "Familiar", "Serious", "Credibility", "Infrastructure", "Museum", "Relinquish", "Merit", "Coalition", "Retirement", "Transaction", "Official", "Composer", "Magnitude", "Committee", "Privilege", "Diamond", "Obligation", "Transition", "Jockey", "Reinforce", "Conflict", "Offensive", "Detective", "Effective", "Detector"
return me
end init

on getWord()
set randomNr to (random number from 1 to (length of (my allWords))) as integer
--you could do somethinh here when a word is used again
return item randomNr of my allWords as string
end getWord
end script

script hangmanStdin
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on getChar(__prompt)
set x to display dialog __prompt buttons "Go", "Quit" default button "Go" default answer ""
if button returned of x = "Quit" then
return false
end if

if length of x's text returned = 0 then
return ""
end if

return character 1 of x's text returned
end getChar

on getOptions(__title, __message, __options)
return button returned of (display alert __title message __message buttons __options default button 1)
end getOptions
end script

script hangmanStdout
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on printf(__message)
display dialog __message buttons "OK" default button 1
end printf
end script

How can I make it so if you lose the game, not only does it say the you got 0 points but also say the word that they missed. I'm trying my best to get this done. It's a project that I'm doing to get the basics of coding. Took me awhile.

share|improve this question

  • What problem are you having with the first feature you want to implement?

    – halfer
    Mar 6 at 20:20

  • Looks like you need to check the results of startgame() for more than true/false. That is some strange looking AppleScript you have there (those alloc()'s are totally unnecessary, for example) - what language are you converting this from?

    – red_menace
    Mar 6 at 23:18

  • @halfer This was made AWHILE AGO and i cant seem to find a place to put the code i want to display the word that was missed.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:32

  • @halfer I have major respect for your accomplishments (I read your bio) I greatly appreciate the help. I just dabble in applescript and this was made a long time ago and i would just like to find a place in the script to put the code that I want, so it displays the word that was missed. If you can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:35




I am working on a game, Hangman. I have the code down, I just want to display the word if you lose. How can I do that?

hangman's init()--by Londres on Stack Overflow

script hangman
property stdin : missing value
property stdout : missing value
property dict : missing value

on init()
--starting up the game
set stdin to parent's hangmanStdin's alloc()'s init()
set stdout to parent's hangmanStdout's alloc()'s init()
set dict to parent's hangmanDictionary's alloc()'s init()
my mainLoop()
end init

on mainLoop()
repeat --endless
set option to stdin's getOptions("Lobby", "What would you like to do?", "New Game", "Quit")
if option is "New Game" then
set difficulty to stdin's getOptions("New Game", "Choose your difficulty", "Normal", "Easy", "Hard")
--replace this line with an automatic word generator
set x to parent's hangmanGame's alloc()'s initWithWordAndDifficulty(dict's getWord(), difficulty)

if x's startgame() is false then
stdout's printf("You've scored " & x's score & " points.")
end if
--game is over so clear it
set x to missing value
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end mainLoop

on shouldTerminate()
return true
end shouldTerminate

on alloc()
copy me to x
return x
end alloc
end script

script hangmanGame
property parent : hangman

property wordToGuess : missing value
property maxFaults : missing value
property usedChars : missing value
property faults : missing value
property score : 0

on initWithWordAndDifficulty(theWord, theDifficulty)
if theDifficulty = "Hard" then
set my maxFaults to 5
else if theDifficulty = "Normal" then
set my maxFaults to 8
else --easy or any other value will be handled as easy
set my maxFaults to 12
end if
set my wordToGuess to theWord
set my usedChars to
set my faults to 0
set my score to 0
return me
end initWithWordAndDifficulty

on startgame()
repeat --endless
set __prompt to "Faults Left: " & maxFaults - faults & return & "The Word: " & my makeHiddenField()
set c to parent's stdin's getChar(__prompt)
if c = false then
return false
end if
--first check if getChar did give us any result
if length of c is not 0 then
--check if teh character is valid
if c is in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" then
--check if we already checked this before
if c is not in my usedChars then
set end of my usedChars to c
--check if player guessed wrong character
if c is not in wordToGuess then
set faults to faults + 1
end if
end if
end if
end if
--check if player guessed all characters of word
if my wordGuessed() then
set my score to ((25 * (26 / (length of my usedChars))) as integer)
return true
end if
--check if player reached the max faults he's allowed to make
if my faults = my maxFaults then
return 0
end if
end repeat
end startgame

on wordGuessed()
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is not in my usedChars then
return false
end if
end repeat
return true
end wordGuessed

on makeHiddenField()
set characterArray to
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is in my usedChars then
set end of characterArray to aChar as string
set end of characterArray to "_"
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set hiddenField to characterArray as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return hiddenField
end makeHiddenField
end script

script hangmanDictionary
property parent : hangman
property wordsPlayed : missing value
property allWords : missing value

on init()
set wordsPlayed to
--try to get more words from a file for example
set allWords to "Hangman", "Police", "Officer", "Desktop", "Pencil", "Window", "Language", "Wealthy", "Trauma", "Spell", "Rival", "Tactical", "Thin", "Salty", "Bluish", "Falcon", "Distilery", "Ballistics", "Fumbling", "Limitless", "South", "Humble", "Foreign", "Affliction", "Retreat", "Agreeable", "Poisoner", "Flirt", "Fearsome", "Deepwater", "Bottom", "Twisted", "Morsel", "Filament", "Winter", "Contempt", "Drimys", "Grease", "Awesome", "Compulsive", "Crayon", "Prayer", "Blonde", "Backbone", "Dreamland", "Ballet", "Continuous", "Aerobatic", "Hideous", "Harmonic", "Lottery", "Encrypt", "Cable", "Aluminium", "Hunter", "National", "Hunter", "Mechanical", "Deadbeat", "Opposition", "Threat", "Decadent", "Gazelle", "Guild", "Authoritive", "Deliverance", "Severe", "Jerid", "Alarm", "Monochrome", "Cyanide", "External", "Potential", "Section", "Innocent", "Drifting", "Amnesia", "Domino", "Flimsy", "Flamethrowing", "Advocate", "Hirsute", "Brother", "Ephemeral", "Brutal", "Decade", "Drauma", "Dilemma", "Exquisite", "Glimmer", "Fugitive", "Digital", "Associate", "Ambivalent", "Ambulatory", "Apology", "Brawler", "Molecular", "Insurance", "Contractual", "Initial", "Calibration", "Heretical", "Disclosure", "Guerilla", "Dismember", "Minimal", "Altercation", "Eastern", "Integrate", "Femur", "Metallic", "Ambition", "Auxiliary", "Esoteric", "Converse", "Accepting", "Juvenile", "Efficacious", "Complex", "Imperil", "Division", "Onerous", "Astonish", "Scandalous", "Quaint", "Dominate", "Contrary", "Conspiracy", "Earthquake", "Embarrassment", "Exclude", "Ambiguous", "Captivate", "Compliance", "Migration", "Embryo", "Abandon", "Conservation", "Appreciate", "Applaud", "Pension", "Voyage", "Influence", "Consensus", "Incapable", "Economy", "Parameter", "Contrast", "Sensitive", "Meadow", "Chimney", "Familiar", "Serious", "Credibility", "Infrastructure", "Museum", "Relinquish", "Merit", "Coalition", "Retirement", "Transaction", "Official", "Composer", "Magnitude", "Committee", "Privilege", "Diamond", "Obligation", "Transition", "Jockey", "Reinforce", "Conflict", "Offensive", "Detective", "Effective", "Detector"
return me
end init

on getWord()
set randomNr to (random number from 1 to (length of (my allWords))) as integer
--you could do somethinh here when a word is used again
return item randomNr of my allWords as string
end getWord
end script

script hangmanStdin
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on getChar(__prompt)
set x to display dialog __prompt buttons "Go", "Quit" default button "Go" default answer ""
if button returned of x = "Quit" then
return false
end if

if length of x's text returned = 0 then
return ""
end if

return character 1 of x's text returned
end getChar

on getOptions(__title, __message, __options)
return button returned of (display alert __title message __message buttons __options default button 1)
end getOptions
end script

script hangmanStdout
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on printf(__message)
display dialog __message buttons "OK" default button 1
end printf
end script

How can I make it so if you lose the game, not only does it say the you got 0 points but also say the word that they missed. I'm trying my best to get this done. It's a project that I'm doing to get the basics of coding. Took me awhile.

share|improve this question

I am working on a game, Hangman. I have the code down, I just want to display the word if you lose. How can I do that?

hangman's init()--by Londres on Stack Overflow

script hangman
property stdin : missing value
property stdout : missing value
property dict : missing value

on init()
--starting up the game
set stdin to parent's hangmanStdin's alloc()'s init()
set stdout to parent's hangmanStdout's alloc()'s init()
set dict to parent's hangmanDictionary's alloc()'s init()
my mainLoop()
end init

on mainLoop()
repeat --endless
set option to stdin's getOptions("Lobby", "What would you like to do?", "New Game", "Quit")
if option is "New Game" then
set difficulty to stdin's getOptions("New Game", "Choose your difficulty", "Normal", "Easy", "Hard")
--replace this line with an automatic word generator
set x to parent's hangmanGame's alloc()'s initWithWordAndDifficulty(dict's getWord(), difficulty)

if x's startgame() is false then
stdout's printf("You've scored " & x's score & " points.")
end if
--game is over so clear it
set x to missing value
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end mainLoop

on shouldTerminate()
return true
end shouldTerminate

on alloc()
copy me to x
return x
end alloc
end script

script hangmanGame
property parent : hangman

property wordToGuess : missing value
property maxFaults : missing value
property usedChars : missing value
property faults : missing value
property score : 0

on initWithWordAndDifficulty(theWord, theDifficulty)
if theDifficulty = "Hard" then
set my maxFaults to 5
else if theDifficulty = "Normal" then
set my maxFaults to 8
else --easy or any other value will be handled as easy
set my maxFaults to 12
end if
set my wordToGuess to theWord
set my usedChars to
set my faults to 0
set my score to 0
return me
end initWithWordAndDifficulty

on startgame()
repeat --endless
set __prompt to "Faults Left: " & maxFaults - faults & return & "The Word: " & my makeHiddenField()
set c to parent's stdin's getChar(__prompt)
if c = false then
return false
end if
--first check if getChar did give us any result
if length of c is not 0 then
--check if teh character is valid
if c is in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" then
--check if we already checked this before
if c is not in my usedChars then
set end of my usedChars to c
--check if player guessed wrong character
if c is not in wordToGuess then
set faults to faults + 1
end if
end if
end if
end if
--check if player guessed all characters of word
if my wordGuessed() then
set my score to ((25 * (26 / (length of my usedChars))) as integer)
return true
end if
--check if player reached the max faults he's allowed to make
if my faults = my maxFaults then
return 0
end if
end repeat
end startgame

on wordGuessed()
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is not in my usedChars then
return false
end if
end repeat
return true
end wordGuessed

on makeHiddenField()
set characterArray to
repeat with aChar in every text item of my wordToGuess
if aChar is in my usedChars then
set end of characterArray to aChar as string
set end of characterArray to "_"
end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space
set hiddenField to characterArray as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return hiddenField
end makeHiddenField
end script

script hangmanDictionary
property parent : hangman
property wordsPlayed : missing value
property allWords : missing value

on init()
set wordsPlayed to
--try to get more words from a file for example
set allWords to "Hangman", "Police", "Officer", "Desktop", "Pencil", "Window", "Language", "Wealthy", "Trauma", "Spell", "Rival", "Tactical", "Thin", "Salty", "Bluish", "Falcon", "Distilery", "Ballistics", "Fumbling", "Limitless", "South", "Humble", "Foreign", "Affliction", "Retreat", "Agreeable", "Poisoner", "Flirt", "Fearsome", "Deepwater", "Bottom", "Twisted", "Morsel", "Filament", "Winter", "Contempt", "Drimys", "Grease", "Awesome", "Compulsive", "Crayon", "Prayer", "Blonde", "Backbone", "Dreamland", "Ballet", "Continuous", "Aerobatic", "Hideous", "Harmonic", "Lottery", "Encrypt", "Cable", "Aluminium", "Hunter", "National", "Hunter", "Mechanical", "Deadbeat", "Opposition", "Threat", "Decadent", "Gazelle", "Guild", "Authoritive", "Deliverance", "Severe", "Jerid", "Alarm", "Monochrome", "Cyanide", "External", "Potential", "Section", "Innocent", "Drifting", "Amnesia", "Domino", "Flimsy", "Flamethrowing", "Advocate", "Hirsute", "Brother", "Ephemeral", "Brutal", "Decade", "Drauma", "Dilemma", "Exquisite", "Glimmer", "Fugitive", "Digital", "Associate", "Ambivalent", "Ambulatory", "Apology", "Brawler", "Molecular", "Insurance", "Contractual", "Initial", "Calibration", "Heretical", "Disclosure", "Guerilla", "Dismember", "Minimal", "Altercation", "Eastern", "Integrate", "Femur", "Metallic", "Ambition", "Auxiliary", "Esoteric", "Converse", "Accepting", "Juvenile", "Efficacious", "Complex", "Imperil", "Division", "Onerous", "Astonish", "Scandalous", "Quaint", "Dominate", "Contrary", "Conspiracy", "Earthquake", "Embarrassment", "Exclude", "Ambiguous", "Captivate", "Compliance", "Migration", "Embryo", "Abandon", "Conservation", "Appreciate", "Applaud", "Pension", "Voyage", "Influence", "Consensus", "Incapable", "Economy", "Parameter", "Contrast", "Sensitive", "Meadow", "Chimney", "Familiar", "Serious", "Credibility", "Infrastructure", "Museum", "Relinquish", "Merit", "Coalition", "Retirement", "Transaction", "Official", "Composer", "Magnitude", "Committee", "Privilege", "Diamond", "Obligation", "Transition", "Jockey", "Reinforce", "Conflict", "Offensive", "Detective", "Effective", "Detector"
return me
end init

on getWord()
set randomNr to (random number from 1 to (length of (my allWords))) as integer
--you could do somethinh here when a word is used again
return item randomNr of my allWords as string
end getWord
end script

script hangmanStdin
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on getChar(__prompt)
set x to display dialog __prompt buttons "Go", "Quit" default button "Go" default answer ""
if button returned of x = "Quit" then
return false
end if

if length of x's text returned = 0 then
return ""
end if

return character 1 of x's text returned
end getChar

on getOptions(__title, __message, __options)
return button returned of (display alert __title message __message buttons __options default button 1)
end getOptions
end script

script hangmanStdout
property parent : hangman

on init()
return me
end init

on printf(__message)
display dialog __message buttons "OK" default button 1
end printf
end script

How can I make it so if you lose the game, not only does it say the you got 0 points but also say the word that they missed. I'm trying my best to get this done. It's a project that I'm doing to get the basics of coding. Took me awhile.

macos applescript 2d-games

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edited Mar 6 at 20:20




asked Mar 6 at 19:58




  • What problem are you having with the first feature you want to implement?

    – halfer
    Mar 6 at 20:20

  • Looks like you need to check the results of startgame() for more than true/false. That is some strange looking AppleScript you have there (those alloc()'s are totally unnecessary, for example) - what language are you converting this from?

    – red_menace
    Mar 6 at 23:18

  • @halfer This was made AWHILE AGO and i cant seem to find a place to put the code i want to display the word that was missed.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:32

  • @halfer I have major respect for your accomplishments (I read your bio) I greatly appreciate the help. I just dabble in applescript and this was made a long time ago and i would just like to find a place in the script to put the code that I want, so it displays the word that was missed. If you can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:35

  • What problem are you having with the first feature you want to implement?

    – halfer
    Mar 6 at 20:20

  • Looks like you need to check the results of startgame() for more than true/false. That is some strange looking AppleScript you have there (those alloc()'s are totally unnecessary, for example) - what language are you converting this from?

    – red_menace
    Mar 6 at 23:18

  • @halfer This was made AWHILE AGO and i cant seem to find a place to put the code i want to display the word that was missed.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:32

  • @halfer I have major respect for your accomplishments (I read your bio) I greatly appreciate the help. I just dabble in applescript and this was made a long time ago and i would just like to find a place in the script to put the code that I want, so it displays the word that was missed. If you can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    – Londres
    Mar 7 at 4:35

What problem are you having with the first feature you want to implement?

– halfer
Mar 6 at 20:20

What problem are you having with the first feature you want to implement?

– halfer
Mar 6 at 20:20

Looks like you need to check the results of startgame() for more than true/false. That is some strange looking AppleScript you have there (those alloc()'s are totally unnecessary, for example) - what language are you converting this from?

– red_menace
Mar 6 at 23:18

Looks like you need to check the results of startgame() for more than true/false. That is some strange looking AppleScript you have there (those alloc()'s are totally unnecessary, for example) - what language are you converting this from?

– red_menace
Mar 6 at 23:18

@halfer This was made AWHILE AGO and i cant seem to find a place to put the code i want to display the word that was missed.

– Londres
Mar 7 at 4:32

@halfer This was made AWHILE AGO and i cant seem to find a place to put the code i want to display the word that was missed.

– Londres
Mar 7 at 4:32

@halfer I have major respect for your accomplishments (I read your bio) I greatly appreciate the help. I just dabble in applescript and this was made a long time ago and i would just like to find a place in the script to put the code that I want, so it displays the word that was missed. If you can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

– Londres
Mar 7 at 4:35

@halfer I have major respect for your accomplishments (I read your bio) I greatly appreciate the help. I just dabble in applescript and this was made a long time ago and i would just like to find a place in the script to put the code that I want, so it displays the word that was missed. If you can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

– Londres
Mar 7 at 4:35

1 Answer





You are only checking the return result from hangmanGame’s startGame() handler for false or otherwise, but the handler returns 0 if all the faults are used. You could add an additional check in there, but the easiest way would probably be to add a dialog in the startGame() comparison, for example:

if my faults = my maxFaults then
display dialog "The word was " & quoted form of wordToGuess
return 0
end if

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    You are only checking the return result from hangmanGame’s startGame() handler for false or otherwise, but the handler returns 0 if all the faults are used. You could add an additional check in there, but the easiest way would probably be to add a dialog in the startGame() comparison, for example:

    if my faults = my maxFaults then
    display dialog "The word was " & quoted form of wordToGuess
    return 0
    end if

    share|improve this answer


      You are only checking the return result from hangmanGame’s startGame() handler for false or otherwise, but the handler returns 0 if all the faults are used. You could add an additional check in there, but the easiest way would probably be to add a dialog in the startGame() comparison, for example:

      if my faults = my maxFaults then
      display dialog "The word was " & quoted form of wordToGuess
      return 0
      end if

      share|improve this answer




        You are only checking the return result from hangmanGame’s startGame() handler for false or otherwise, but the handler returns 0 if all the faults are used. You could add an additional check in there, but the easiest way would probably be to add a dialog in the startGame() comparison, for example:

        if my faults = my maxFaults then
        display dialog "The word was " & quoted form of wordToGuess
        return 0
        end if

        share|improve this answer

        You are only checking the return result from hangmanGame’s startGame() handler for false or otherwise, but the handler returns 0 if all the faults are used. You could add an additional check in there, but the easiest way would probably be to add a dialog in the startGame() comparison, for example:

        if my faults = my maxFaults then
        display dialog "The word was " & quoted form of wordToGuess
        return 0
        end if

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Mar 7 at 15:28




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