If u is orthogonal to both v and w, and u not equal to 0, argue that u is not in the span of v and w. ( Do I really need recursive chmod to restrict access to a folder? How would a mousetrap for use in space work? What do you call the main part of a joke? Why didn't Eitri join the fight? Is CEO the profession with the most psychopaths? Using audio cues to encourage good posture Crossing US/Canada Border for less than 24 hours Should I use a zero-interest credit card for a large one-time purchase? Delete nth line from bottom How does the math work when buying airline miles? Do square wave exist? Maximum summed powersets with non-adjacent items Circuit to "zoom in" on mV fluctuations of a DC signal? Using et al. for a last / senior author rather than for a first author Around usage results Wu formula for manifolds with boundary Chinese Seal on silk painting - what does it mean? If my PI received research grants from a company to be able t...