How to implement Firebase Recycler Adapter in newer version of Android 3.1 and higher?2019 Community Moderator ElectionShould I actually remove the ValueEventListener?How to get the build/version number of your Android application?setText on button from another activity androidScrolling lagged after applying the typeface in the Recycler view itemsFirebase recycler adapter paginationAdding Social Media Share Logic From Firebase in AndroidFirebase Recycler Adapter with searchviewhow to group all Categories in FlexboxLayoutSearch Firestore query don't show data in RecycleViewHow to insert value from a RecyclerView to MS SQL?Why onBindViewHolder index isn't incrementing in Recycler View?

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How to implement Firebase Recycler Adapter in newer version of Android 3.1 and higher?

2019 Community Moderator ElectionShould I actually remove the ValueEventListener?How to get the build/version number of your Android application?setText on button from another activity androidScrolling lagged after applying the typeface in the Recycler view itemsFirebase recycler adapter paginationAdding Social Media Share Logic From Firebase in AndroidFirebase Recycler Adapter with searchviewhow to group all Categories in FlexboxLayoutSearch Firestore query don't show data in RecycleViewHow to insert value from a RecyclerView to MS SQL?Why onBindViewHolder index isn't incrementing in Recycler View?


Basically, what I am trying to do is use a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and populate the RecyclerView with my custom designed CardView. The code for newer versions has been changed and therefore, I tried implementing it but didn't work.
This is the code I use to write a year ago, which worked fine and populated my RecyclerView:

FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass,DataViewHolder> FBRA= new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass, DataViewHolder>(
protected void populateViewHolder(DataViewHolder viewHolder, DataClass model, int position)


And now we have to use something like this,
but the problem is this code is not populating my recyclerView (What changes do I need to make here to populate my recyclerView with my cardView?)

protected void onStart()

Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance()

FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
.setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





Here is my ViewHolder class:

public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder 

public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


View mView = itemView;

public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


And this is my Model class of getters and setters:

public class ServiceClass 

private String serviceName;
private String serviceCode;
private String serviceCaption;
private String serviceIconUrl;

public ServiceClass()

public ServiceClass(String serviceName, String serviceCode, String serviceCaption, String serviceIconUrl)
this.serviceName = serviceName;
this.serviceCode = serviceCode;
this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;
this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

public String getServiceName()
return serviceName;

public String getServiceCode()
return serviceCode;

public String getServiceCaption()
return serviceCaption;

public String getServiceIconUrl()
return serviceIconUrl;

public void setServiceName(String serviceName)
this.serviceName = serviceName;

public void setServiceCode(String serviceCode)
this.serviceCode = serviceCode;

public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)
this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;

public void setServiceIconUrl(String serviceIconUrl)
this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

public String toString()
return "ServiceClass" +
"serviceName='" + serviceName + ''' +
", serviceCode='" + serviceCode + ''' +
", serviceCaption='" + serviceCaption + ''' +
", serviceIconUrl='" + serviceIconUrl + ''' +

Now what changes do I need to do?

Here is my entire java file:

public class HomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity 

private RecyclerView mServiceList;

private FirebaseDatabase mDatabase;

private DatabaseReference myRef;

FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

BottomNavigationViewEx bottomNavigationViewEx = findViewById(;




Calligrapher calligrapher = new Calligrapher(this);

calligrapher.setFont(this, "Helvetica.ttf", true);

mServiceList = findViewById(;


mServiceList.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();

myRef = mDatabase.getReference().child("Official_Services");

protected void onStart()


Query query = myRef;

FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
.setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder

public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


View mView = itemView;

public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


share|improve this question


    Basically, what I am trying to do is use a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and populate the RecyclerView with my custom designed CardView. The code for newer versions has been changed and therefore, I tried implementing it but didn't work.
    This is the code I use to write a year ago, which worked fine and populated my RecyclerView:

    FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass,DataViewHolder> FBRA= new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass, DataViewHolder>(
    protected void populateViewHolder(DataViewHolder viewHolder, DataClass model, int position)


    And now we have to use something like this,
    but the problem is this code is not populating my recyclerView (What changes do I need to make here to populate my recyclerView with my cardView?)

    protected void onStart()

    Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance()

    FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
    .setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

    FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

    public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

    View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

    return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

    protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





    Here is my ViewHolder class:

    public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder 

    public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


    View mView = itemView;

    public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

    TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


    public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

    TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


    And this is my Model class of getters and setters:

    public class ServiceClass 

    private String serviceName;
    private String serviceCode;
    private String serviceCaption;
    private String serviceIconUrl;

    public ServiceClass()

    public ServiceClass(String serviceName, String serviceCode, String serviceCaption, String serviceIconUrl)
    this.serviceName = serviceName;
    this.serviceCode = serviceCode;
    this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;
    this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

    public String getServiceName()
    return serviceName;

    public String getServiceCode()
    return serviceCode;

    public String getServiceCaption()
    return serviceCaption;

    public String getServiceIconUrl()
    return serviceIconUrl;

    public void setServiceName(String serviceName)
    this.serviceName = serviceName;

    public void setServiceCode(String serviceCode)
    this.serviceCode = serviceCode;

    public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)
    this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;

    public void setServiceIconUrl(String serviceIconUrl)
    this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

    public String toString()
    return "ServiceClass" +
    "serviceName='" + serviceName + ''' +
    ", serviceCode='" + serviceCode + ''' +
    ", serviceCaption='" + serviceCaption + ''' +
    ", serviceIconUrl='" + serviceIconUrl + ''' +

    Now what changes do I need to do?

    Here is my entire java file:

    public class HomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity 

    private RecyclerView mServiceList;

    private FirebaseDatabase mDatabase;

    private DatabaseReference myRef;

    FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

    BottomNavigationViewEx bottomNavigationViewEx = findViewById(;




    Calligrapher calligrapher = new Calligrapher(this);

    calligrapher.setFont(this, "Helvetica.ttf", true);

    mServiceList = findViewById(;


    mServiceList.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

    mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();

    myRef = mDatabase.getReference().child("Official_Services");

    protected void onStart()


    Query query = myRef;

    FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
    .setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

    FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

    public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

    View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

    return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

    protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





    public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder

    public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


    View mView = itemView;

    public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

    TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


    public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

    TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


    share|improve this question





      Basically, what I am trying to do is use a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and populate the RecyclerView with my custom designed CardView. The code for newer versions has been changed and therefore, I tried implementing it but didn't work.
      This is the code I use to write a year ago, which worked fine and populated my RecyclerView:

      FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass,DataViewHolder> FBRA= new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass, DataViewHolder>(
      protected void populateViewHolder(DataViewHolder viewHolder, DataClass model, int position)


      And now we have to use something like this,
      but the problem is this code is not populating my recyclerView (What changes do I need to make here to populate my recyclerView with my cardView?)

      protected void onStart()

      Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance()

      FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
      .setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

      FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

      public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

      View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

      return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

      protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





      Here is my ViewHolder class:

      public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder 

      public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


      View mView = itemView;

      public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

      TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


      public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

      TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


      And this is my Model class of getters and setters:

      public class ServiceClass 

      private String serviceName;
      private String serviceCode;
      private String serviceCaption;
      private String serviceIconUrl;

      public ServiceClass()

      public ServiceClass(String serviceName, String serviceCode, String serviceCaption, String serviceIconUrl)
      this.serviceName = serviceName;
      this.serviceCode = serviceCode;
      this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;
      this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

      public String getServiceName()
      return serviceName;

      public String getServiceCode()
      return serviceCode;

      public String getServiceCaption()
      return serviceCaption;

      public String getServiceIconUrl()
      return serviceIconUrl;

      public void setServiceName(String serviceName)
      this.serviceName = serviceName;

      public void setServiceCode(String serviceCode)
      this.serviceCode = serviceCode;

      public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)
      this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;

      public void setServiceIconUrl(String serviceIconUrl)
      this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

      public String toString()
      return "ServiceClass" +
      "serviceName='" + serviceName + ''' +
      ", serviceCode='" + serviceCode + ''' +
      ", serviceCaption='" + serviceCaption + ''' +
      ", serviceIconUrl='" + serviceIconUrl + ''' +

      Now what changes do I need to do?

      Here is my entire java file:

      public class HomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity 

      private RecyclerView mServiceList;

      private FirebaseDatabase mDatabase;

      private DatabaseReference myRef;

      FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA;

      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

      BottomNavigationViewEx bottomNavigationViewEx = findViewById(;




      Calligrapher calligrapher = new Calligrapher(this);

      calligrapher.setFont(this, "Helvetica.ttf", true);

      mServiceList = findViewById(;


      mServiceList.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

      mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();

      myRef = mDatabase.getReference().child("Official_Services");

      protected void onStart()


      Query query = myRef;

      FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
      .setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

      FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

      public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

      View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

      return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

      protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





      public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder

      public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


      View mView = itemView;

      public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

      TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


      public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

      TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


      share|improve this question

      Basically, what I am trying to do is use a FirebaseRecyclerAdapter and populate the RecyclerView with my custom designed CardView. The code for newer versions has been changed and therefore, I tried implementing it but didn't work.
      This is the code I use to write a year ago, which worked fine and populated my RecyclerView:

      FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass,DataViewHolder> FBRA= new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<DataClass, DataViewHolder>(
      protected void populateViewHolder(DataViewHolder viewHolder, DataClass model, int position)


      And now we have to use something like this,
      but the problem is this code is not populating my recyclerView (What changes do I need to make here to populate my recyclerView with my cardView?)

      protected void onStart()

      Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance()

      FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
      .setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

      FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

      public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

      View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

      return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

      protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





      Here is my ViewHolder class:

      public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder 

      public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


      View mView = itemView;

      public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

      TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


      public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

      TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


      And this is my Model class of getters and setters:

      public class ServiceClass 

      private String serviceName;
      private String serviceCode;
      private String serviceCaption;
      private String serviceIconUrl;

      public ServiceClass()

      public ServiceClass(String serviceName, String serviceCode, String serviceCaption, String serviceIconUrl)
      this.serviceName = serviceName;
      this.serviceCode = serviceCode;
      this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;
      this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

      public String getServiceName()
      return serviceName;

      public String getServiceCode()
      return serviceCode;

      public String getServiceCaption()
      return serviceCaption;

      public String getServiceIconUrl()
      return serviceIconUrl;

      public void setServiceName(String serviceName)
      this.serviceName = serviceName;

      public void setServiceCode(String serviceCode)
      this.serviceCode = serviceCode;

      public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)
      this.serviceCaption = serviceCaption;

      public void setServiceIconUrl(String serviceIconUrl)
      this.serviceIconUrl = serviceIconUrl;

      public String toString()
      return "ServiceClass" +
      "serviceName='" + serviceName + ''' +
      ", serviceCode='" + serviceCode + ''' +
      ", serviceCaption='" + serviceCaption + ''' +
      ", serviceIconUrl='" + serviceIconUrl + ''' +

      Now what changes do I need to do?

      Here is my entire java file:

      public class HomeActivity extends AppCompatActivity 

      private RecyclerView mServiceList;

      private FirebaseDatabase mDatabase;

      private DatabaseReference myRef;

      FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA;

      protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

      BottomNavigationViewEx bottomNavigationViewEx = findViewById(;




      Calligrapher calligrapher = new Calligrapher(this);

      calligrapher.setFont(this, "Helvetica.ttf", true);

      mServiceList = findViewById(;


      mServiceList.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

      mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();

      myRef = mDatabase.getReference().child("Official_Services");

      protected void onStart()


      Query query = myRef;

      FirebaseRecyclerOptions<ServiceClass> options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<ServiceClass>()
      .setQuery(query, ServiceClass.class)

      FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options)

      public ServiceViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int i)

      View view = LayoutInflater.from(HomeActivity.this).inflate(R.layout.service_card, parent, false);

      return new ServiceViewHolder(view);

      protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull ServiceViewHolder holder, int position, @NonNull ServiceClass model)





      public static class ServiceViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder

      public ServiceViewHolder(View itemView)


      View mView = itemView;

      public void setServiceName(String serviceName)

      TextView sName = itemView.findViewById(;


      public void setServiceCaption(String serviceCaption)

      TextView sCaption = itemView.findViewById(;


      java android firebase firebase-realtime-database firebaseui

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Mar 7 at 5:57

      Supa Mega Ducky Momo da Waffle



      asked Mar 6 at 14:26




          2 Answers





          In order to be able to display data from the Firebase realtime database you need to start listening for changes and for that you should add the following line of code in the onStart() method:

          protected void onStart()

          To stop listening foir changes you need add the following line of code in the onStop() method like this:

          protected void onStop()
          if(FBRA != null)

          Please see my answer from this post where I have explained why you should remove the listener.

          P.S. Please also don't forget to make the FBRA a global variable and remove FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> from the declaration of the object.

          share|improve this answer

          • I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

            – Kaushal
            Mar 6 at 16:22

          • 1

            Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 16:31

          • 1

            Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 16:55

          • 1

            Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 17:07

          • 1

            Yup! It was really helpful 😊

            – Kaushal
            Mar 6 at 17:16


          This is more of an advice. If you want to continue using the old method to populate your
          recyclerview ie The "populateViewHolder" method instead of the new "onBindViewHolder" method just use this;

          implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:1.0.1'

          instead of upgraded firebase-ui versions

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

            Your Answer

            StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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            Required, but never shown

            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            In order to be able to display data from the Firebase realtime database you need to start listening for changes and for that you should add the following line of code in the onStart() method:

            protected void onStart()

            To stop listening foir changes you need add the following line of code in the onStop() method like this:

            protected void onStop()
            if(FBRA != null)

            Please see my answer from this post where I have explained why you should remove the listener.

            P.S. Please also don't forget to make the FBRA a global variable and remove FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> from the declaration of the object.

            share|improve this answer

            • I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 16:22

            • 1

              Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:31

            • 1

              Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:55

            • 1

              Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 17:07

            • 1

              Yup! It was really helpful 😊

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 17:16


            In order to be able to display data from the Firebase realtime database you need to start listening for changes and for that you should add the following line of code in the onStart() method:

            protected void onStart()

            To stop listening foir changes you need add the following line of code in the onStop() method like this:

            protected void onStop()
            if(FBRA != null)

            Please see my answer from this post where I have explained why you should remove the listener.

            P.S. Please also don't forget to make the FBRA a global variable and remove FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> from the declaration of the object.

            share|improve this answer

            • I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 16:22

            • 1

              Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:31

            • 1

              Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:55

            • 1

              Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 17:07

            • 1

              Yup! It was really helpful 😊

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 17:16




            In order to be able to display data from the Firebase realtime database you need to start listening for changes and for that you should add the following line of code in the onStart() method:

            protected void onStart()

            To stop listening foir changes you need add the following line of code in the onStop() method like this:

            protected void onStop()
            if(FBRA != null)

            Please see my answer from this post where I have explained why you should remove the listener.

            P.S. Please also don't forget to make the FBRA a global variable and remove FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> from the declaration of the object.

            share|improve this answer

            In order to be able to display data from the Firebase realtime database you need to start listening for changes and for that you should add the following line of code in the onStart() method:

            protected void onStart()

            To stop listening foir changes you need add the following line of code in the onStop() method like this:

            protected void onStop()
            if(FBRA != null)

            Please see my answer from this post where I have explained why you should remove the listener.

            P.S. Please also don't forget to make the FBRA a global variable and remove FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> from the declaration of the object.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered Mar 6 at 14:50

            Alex MamoAlex Mamo



            • I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 16:22

            • 1

              Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:31

            • 1

              Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:55

            • 1

              Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 17:07

            • 1

              Yup! It was really helpful 😊

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 17:16

            • I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 16:22

            • 1

              Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:31

            • 1

              Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 16:55

            • 1

              Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

              – Alex Mamo
              Mar 6 at 17:07

            • 1

              Yup! It was really helpful 😊

              – Kaushal
              Mar 6 at 17:16

            I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

            – Kaushal
            Mar 6 at 16:22

            I added FBRA.startListening(); in onStart(), but now the app is crashing.

            – Kaushal
            Mar 6 at 16:22



            Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 16:31

            Change this line FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder> FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) with FBRA = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter<ServiceClass, ServiceViewHolder>(options) Does it work now?

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 16:31



            Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 16:55

            Move this line FBRA.startListening(); after ` mServiceList.setAdapter(FBRA);`, works?

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 16:55



            Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 17:07

            Good to hear that it worked! It means that the initial error disappeared and this are good news :) The fact that the serviceName and serviceCaption are not displayed sounds as a new issue which basically should be considered another question that cannot be answered in a comment. As a personal guess, I think that you are using a wrong views but in order to follow the rules of this comunity, please post another fresh question using a MCVE, so me and other Firebase developers can help you.

            – Alex Mamo
            Mar 6 at 17:07



            Yup! It was really helpful 😊

            – Kaushal
            Mar 6 at 17:16

            Yup! It was really helpful 😊

            – Kaushal
            Mar 6 at 17:16


            This is more of an advice. If you want to continue using the old method to populate your
            recyclerview ie The "populateViewHolder" method instead of the new "onBindViewHolder" method just use this;

            implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:1.0.1'

            instead of upgraded firebase-ui versions

            share|improve this answer

            New contributor

            Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
            Check out our Code of Conduct.


              This is more of an advice. If you want to continue using the old method to populate your
              recyclerview ie The "populateViewHolder" method instead of the new "onBindViewHolder" method just use this;

              implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:1.0.1'

              instead of upgraded firebase-ui versions

              share|improve this answer

              New contributor

              Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
              Check out our Code of Conduct.




                This is more of an advice. If you want to continue using the old method to populate your
                recyclerview ie The "populateViewHolder" method instead of the new "onBindViewHolder" method just use this;

                implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:1.0.1'

                instead of upgraded firebase-ui versions

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                This is more of an advice. If you want to continue using the old method to populate your
                recyclerview ie The "populateViewHolder" method instead of the new "onBindViewHolder" method just use this;

                implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:1.0.1'

                instead of upgraded firebase-ui versions

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                New contributor

                Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                answered Mar 7 at 4:44

                Martin MbaeMartin Mbae



                New contributor

                Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                New contributor

                Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                Martin Mbae is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                Check out our Code of Conduct.

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